A casino is an indoor entertainment facility whose main source of income is gambling. Games of chance like slot machines, blackjack, roulette, baccarat and craps provide the billions of dollars in profits that American casinos earn each year.
History of the Casino
Gambling was invented in Europe in the 16th century, fueled by an Italian craze that saw aristocrats holding private parties in clubhouses called ridotti [Source: Schwartz]. These clubs became the genesis for what would become the modern casino.
Today, the word casino has many different meanings. It can be a public hall for music and dancing, or a collection of gaming rooms. The classic example is the casino at Monte Carlo, which opened in 1863 and has been a major source of income for the principality of Monaco.
Popular Table Games
The casino floor has a lot to offer, including prime dining and beverage facilities along with performance venues where pop, rock, jazz and other artists perform for their patrons. But, the majority of casino attractions are games of chance – and it’s these that draw in visitors and keep them coming back.
Security at the Casino
Keeping casino guests safe is an important priority for the gambling industry, which is why they have sophisticated surveillance systems that allow them to monitor everything from every table to each and every player’s movements in the room. The cameras are also able to record events for later review, which can help them find out who is cheating or making fraudulent moves.