Online gambling is becoming one of the fastest growing industries in the world, with millions of people engaging in various types of gambling every day. However, you need to know a few things about online gambling before you get started. This guide will provide you with some important information about online gambling, as well as explain the various ways you can engage in the online gambling experience.
Several federal laws protect players in online gambling activities. However, the enforcement of these laws is fraught with legal issues. Several recent legal cases highlight the potential pitfalls of online gambling. For example, a recent criminal case against K23 Group Financial Services charges Internet poker operators with violations of 18 U.S.C. 1955 and UIGEA, as well as money laundering.
While the federal government has no clear guidelines on how to prosecute online gambling activities, there are several federal statutes that protect players from prosecution. Section 1956 makes it illegal to use interstate facilities for illegal activities. However, state officials have expressed concern that the Internet may be used as a way to bring illegal gambling activities into their jurisdictions.
Many states do not allow online gambling, despite its popularity. In fact, gambling is banned in many places, including Atlantic City, Las Vegas, and racetracks.